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My buddy Mike Olbinski had an idea. Lets create an epic film showcasing all of the awesomeness in Arizona. But we will do it with aerial cinematography and time-lapses.
Mike is kind of like “THE” time-lapser in the US. Well at least to me. He’s award winning, licensed his time-lapses in huge films and commercials, and also just a good friend.
So back to the project… which isn’t even close to being done. After getting a drone for my first film LOST // DISCOVERED: Arizona, aerial cinematography became addicting. It became a passion. It was something that I loved doing and loved learning.
So we plotted out spots to go and get what we could of Arizona. Our first stop… Petrified Forest! Yay! Wait! No!!! Why no!? Well, this trip ended somewhat short.
After a four hour drive to get to the Petrified Forest by sunrise, we found out quickly that the national park didn’t even open by sunrise. Our own fault since we should have looked that up. So we hung out till the park opened. Once it was open, we rushed inside and started droning. And droning some more! AND DRONING SOME MORE! Getting some of the most epic footage. Then, just like that, our trip was over when two park rangers approached us.
We found out that there was a “drone ban” in all national parks. Once again, something we maybe should have looked up before leaving. The park rangers radioed their supervisor on what to do. Their supervisor came back with the decision to fine both Mike and I $525 each AND take our drones away until we had paid the fine. We offered to pay the fine right then and there to take the drones home but they wouldn’t allow it.
As mad as we were, in the end that was our own fault. We could only really be mad at our selves. So here is a photo of me droning in the Petrified Forest:
The next Chasing Arizona trip, I actually took by myself. I drove all the way up to Flagstaff, then to Page, Arizona and went around the Vermillion Cliffs in areas where it was legal to drone. My 2 wheel drive 4-Runner did pretty well for itself.
I couldn’t believe some of the footage I was getting. Absolutely unreal stuff. The photos and the footage I was getting was breathtaking!
A photo posted by Jay {Everly Films} ?? (@jmworsley) on
However what I really couldn’t believe was the silence. There was a moment where I had been driving on a dirt road for about 30 minutes. No cell service. Not a single person around. It was probably the quietest moment I have ever experienced in my life. No a single gust of wind. Just dead silence. It was incredible. Then I thought of course, “Well crap. What if my car breaks down?” or “What if I hurt myself? I can’t call anyone and no is out here!”. Once I had service, I called my wife and told her I loved her.
We are still in the process of making this film. There is so much to cover and we also want to have the seasons shown. Time to wait. I hate waiting. My wife says i’m the most impatient person in the world and it is so true. I am. I just want to make this film and make it NOW!!!
Anyway, shot all of this with the Inspire 1 and Phantom 3. You can purchase prints of some of the photos I took HERE. Lastly, here is a teaser of the film. The teaser alone is something I am super proud of. I really hope you enjoy it. Enjoy some Arizona awesomeness.
Chasing Arizona || Teaser from Jay Worsley on Vimeo.